Results for 'Mitchell O. Locks'

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  1.  17
    Minimalization of Boolean polynomials, truth functions, and lattices.Mitchell O. Locks - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (2):264-270.
  2.  18
    Logical and probability analysis of systems.Mitchell O. Locks - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (1):123-136.
  3.  21
    Everyday Clinical Ethics: Essential Skills and Educational Case Scenarios.Elaine C. Meyer, Giulia Lamiani, Melissa Uveges, Renee McLeod-Sordjan, Christine Mitchell, Robert D. Truog, Jonathan M. Marron, Kerri O. Kennedy, Marilyn Ritholz, Stowe Locke Teti & Aimee B. Milliken - forthcoming - HEC Forum:1-23.
    Bioethics conjures images of dramatic healthcare challenges, yet everyday clinical ethics issues unfold regularly. Without sufficient ethical awareness and a relevant working skillset, clinicians can feel ill-equipped to respond to the ethical dimensions of everyday care. Bioethicists were interviewed to identify the essential skills associated with everyday clinical ethics and to identify educational case scenarios to illustrate everyday clinical ethics. Individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a convenience sample of bioethicists. Bioethicists were asked: (1) What are the essential skills required (...)
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    [Introduction].O. H. Mitchell & J. Venn - 1884 - Mind 9 (34):321-322.
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    Ix. correspondence.O. H. Mitchell - 1884 - Mind (34):321-322.
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  6. Van Inwagen and the Quine-Putnam indispensability argument.Mitchell O. Stokes - 2007 - Erkenntnis 67 (3):439 - 453.
    In this paper I do two things: (1) I support the claim that there is still some confusion about just what the Quine-Putnam indispensability argument is and the way it employs Quinean meta-ontology and (2) I try to dispel some of this confusion by presenting the argument in a way which reveals its important meta-ontological features, and include these features explicitly as premises. As a means to these ends, I compare Peter van Inwagen’s argument for the existence of properties with (...)
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  7. Generation Y attitudes towards e-ethics and internet-related misbehaviours.O. Freestone & V. Mitchell - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (2):121 - 128.
    Aberrant consumer behaviour costs firms millions of pounds a year, and the Internet has provided young techno-literate consumers with a new medium to exploit businesses. This paper addresses Internet related ethics and describes the ways in which young consumers misdemean on the Internet and their attitudes towards these. Using a sample of 219 generation Y consumers, the study identified 24 aberrant behaviours which grouped into five factors; illegal, questionable activities, hacking related, human Internet trade and downloading. Those perceived as least (...)
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  8. Multilevel Research Strategies and Biological Systems.Maureen A. O’Malley, Ingo Brigandt, Alan C. Love, John W. Crawford, Jack A. Gilbert, Rob Knight, Sandra D. Mitchell & Forest Rohwer - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):811-828.
    Multilevel research strategies characterize contemporary molecular inquiry into biological systems. We outline conceptual, methodological, and explanatory dimensions of these multilevel strategies in microbial ecology, systems biology, protein research, and developmental biology. This review of emerging lines of inquiry in these fields suggests that multilevel research in molecular life sciences has significant implications for philosophical understandings of explanation, modeling, and representation.
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    Judicial Deliberations: A Comparative Analysis of Transparency and Legitimacy.Mitchel de S.-O.-L'E. Lasser - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Judicial Deliberations compares how and why the European Court of Justice, the French Cour de cassation and the US Supreme Court offer different approaches for generating judicial accountability and control, judicial debate and deliberation, and ultimately judicial legitimacy. Examining the judicial argumentation of the United States Supreme Court and of the French Cour de cassation, the book first reorders the traditional comparative understanding of the difference between French civil law and American common law judicial decision-making. It then uses this analysis (...)
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  10.  49
    On Eozoön Canadense.M. Mitchell & Charles O'brien - 1971 - Isis 62 (3):381-383.
  11.  31
    Editors? introduction.Gordon R. Mitchell & Timothy M. O'Donnell - 2000 - Social Epistemology 14 (2-3):79-87.
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  12.  20
    An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. with the Notes and Illustr. of the Author, and an Analysis of His Doctrine of Ideas. Also, Questions on Locke.John Locke & Thaddeus O'Mahony - 2018 - Sagwan Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  13.  18
    Ensuring Certified Healthcare Ethics Consultants Are Competent to Practice.Stowe Locke Teti & Christine Mitchell - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):24-27.
    Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2020, Page 24-27.
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  14.  10
    Fraud and misconduct in medical research.Stephen Lock & Frank O. Wells (eds.) - 1993 - London: BMJ.
    A review of fraud in medical research in Britain, Europe, the USA and Australia. It includes a history of known cases of fraud since 1974 and discusses ways for detecting and dealing with fraud that have been devised by government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions and scientific publications (especially medical journals).
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  15.  25
    8Li emission from heavy element disintegrations produced by 5.7 BeV protons.S. J. Goldsack, W. O. Lock & B. A. Munib - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (14):149-156.
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    Necessary Truths and Postulational Method.Stephen O. Mitchell - 1959 - Modern Schoolman 37 (1):49-52.
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  17.  47
    The elastic scattering of protons by protons at 925 MeV.P. J. Duke, W. O. Lock, P. V. March, W. M. Gibson, J. G. McEwen, I. S. Hughes & H. Muirhead - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (14):204-214.
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  18. John Locke o výchově.John Locke - 1984 - Praha: Státní pedagogické nakl.. Edited by František Singule.
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  19. Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism.David Braddon-Mitchell & Robert Nola (eds.) - 2008 - Bradford.
    Many philosophical naturalists eschew analysis in favor of discovering metaphysical truths from the a posteriori, contending that analysis does not lead to philosophical insight. A countercurrent to this approach seeks to reconcile a certain account of conceptual analysis with philosophical naturalism; prominent and influential proponents of this methodology include the late David Lewis, Frank Jackson, Michael Smith, Philip Pettit, and David Armstrong. Naturalistic analysis is a tool for locating in the scientifically given world objects and properties we quantify over in (...)
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  20.  19
    A Philosophy of Sacred Nature: Prospects for Ecstatic Naturalism.Robert S. Corrington, Sigridur Gudmarsdottir, Joseph M. Kramp, Wade A. Mitchell, Robert Cummings Neville, Jea Sophia Oh, Iljoon Park, Austin J. Roberts, Wesley J. Wildman, Guy Woodward & Martin O. Yalcin (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book introduces Robert Corrington’s “ecstatic naturalism,” a new perspective in understanding “sacred” nature and naturalism, and explores what can be done with this philosophical thought. This is an excellent resource for scholars of Continental philosophy, philosophy of religion, and American pragmatism.
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    Mead, George Herbert, 133,135,171 Mill, John Stuart, 55,188, 242.Phillip E. Johnson, Thomas Kuhn, Abraham Lefkowitz, Henry Linville, John Locke, Helen Longino, Hermann Lotze, Arthur O. Lovejoy & Joseph Priestley - 2002 - In F. Thomas Burke, D. Micah Hester & Robert B. Talisse, Dewey's logical theory: new studies and interpretations. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
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  22. Masters of our meanings.David Braddon-Mitchell - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 118 (1-2):133-52.
    The two-dimensional framework in semantics has the most power and plausibility when combined with a kind of global semantic neo-descriptivism. If neo-descriptivism can be defended on the toughest terrain - the semantics of ordinary proper names - then the other skirmishes should be easier. This paper defends neo-descriptivism against two important objections: that the descriptions may be inaccessibly locked up in sub-personal modules, and thus not accessible a priori, and that in any case all such modules bottom out in purely (...)
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  23.  43
    John Locke.Daniel John O'Connor - 1952 - Baltimore,: Penguin Books.
  24. 27. Kapitola: O identitě a různosti.John Locke - 2005 - Filosoficky Casopis 53:125-143.
    [Chapter XXVII: Of Identity and Diversity].
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  25.  67
    Video ethics in educational research involving children: Literature review and critical discussion.Michael A. Peters, E. Jayne White, Tina Besley, Kirsten Locke, Bridgette Redder, Rene Novak, Andrew Gibbons, John O’Neill, Marek Tesar & Sean Sturm - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (9):863-880.
    Video ethics in educational research involving children is a recent topic that has arisen since the increase in the use of visual mediums in research especially with the development of new and ubiquitous internet technologies and social media. This paper emerged as an expressed concerned by a group of scholars associated with the new Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy that was established in 2016. The paper is the result of a collective writing process over a period of a few (...)
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  26.  13
    Lo policiaco y el aparato de Estado: una lectura entre Rancière y Althusser.Mitchel Angelo Rojas Valdés - 2023 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 22 (2):133-149.
    Este escrito se propone exponer, desarrollar y fundamentar, a grandes rasgos, un cuestionamiento interpretativo sobre la vinculación entre J. Rancière y L. Althusser, específicamente en torno a la concepción de policía del primero y de aparato de Estado del segundo. Es conocido que, en una primera etapa, Rancière fue cercano al pensamiento de Althusser, pero nunca un adherente del mismo. No obstante, en su pensamiento político se pueden hallar residuos y vestigios que parecieran dar cuenta de aquella primera relación intelectual (...)
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  27.  15
    Sobre los conceptos heideggerianos de existencia y estar-en-el-mundo y sus similitudes con algunos conceptos orteguianos y sartreanos.Mitchel Angelo Rojas Valdés - 2023 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (2):163-192.
    en este escrito se hará un acercamiento a los conceptos de existencia y estar-en-el-mundo de Heidegger, tal como son expuestos en Ser y tiempo, es decir, a partir de la hermenéutica del Dasein, aunque en algunos pasajes se recurrirá, también, a otras obras del autor alemán, ya sea para matizar o reforzar ciertos aspectos del asunto. Asimismo, se buscará mostrar cómo dichos conceptos se relacionan y se enmarcan en una investigación más amplia sobre la pregunta por el sentido del ser. (...)
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  28.  14
    Construcciones constitucionales Y reglas constitucionales de decisión: Reflexiones sobre el cincelado Del espacio de implementación.Mitchell N. Berman - 2013 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 38:105-142.
    Los teóricos estadounidenses conocidos como “los nuevos originalistas” han propuesto en los años recientes una visión de la adjudicación constitucional y de la implementación constitucional extra-judicial que concede un lugar central a la distinción entre “interpretación constitucional” y “construcción constitucional.” La primera es entendida como el proceso consistente en determinar el significado lingüístico del texto constitucional mientras que la construcción es el proceso consistente en traducir el significado lingüístico a tests o reglas jurídicas, paradigmáticamente, aunque de forma no exclusiva, para (...)
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  29.  97
    Voices and Selves: Beyond the Modern-Postmodern Divide.Mitchell Aboulafia - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (1):1-12.
    Arthur O. Lovejoy famously referred to thirteen pragmatisms. If he were called on to enumerate postmodernisms, no doubt he would increase this number tenfold.1 Fortunately I need not follow his lead for the task at hand, namely, to discuss whether the pragmatic tradition can narrow the divide between modernism and postmodernism on the topic of cosmopolitanism. To do so I will focus on specific sets of ideas that have been associated with these terms. So, for example, modernists have been viewed (...)
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  30.  22
    The production of π-mesons in proton-proton collisions at 925 MeV.I. S. Hughes, P. V. March, H. Muirhead & W. O. Lock - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (14):215-230.
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    Hellenistic Poetry G. O. Hutchinson: Hellenistic Poetry. Pp. xii + 374. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. £40.Bruce W. Mitchell - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (01):52-53.
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  32. Dvé pojednání o vládě.John Locke - 1965 - [Praha]: Nakl. Československé akademie věd. Edited by Josef Král.
  33. La guerre totale industrielle. Kilka uwag o Zarządzaniu jako globalnym fundamentalizmie.Grahame Lock & Francesco Maiolo - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (14).
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    Engaging people with lived experience in the grant review process.Katherine Rittenbach, Candice G. Horne, Terence O’Riordan, Allison Bichel, Nicholas Mitchell, Adriana M. Fernandez Parra & Frank P. MacMaster - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-5.
    People with lived experience are individuals who have first-hand experience of the medical condition being considered. The value of including the viewpoints of people with lived experience in health policy, health care, and health care and systems research has been recognized at many levels, including by funding agencies. However, there is little guidance or established best practices on how to include non-academic reviewers in the grant review process. Here we describe our approach to the inclusion of people with lived experience (...)
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  35.  10
    1870 – O agenciamento Masoch, o agenciamento das peles.Diego Lock Farina - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (1):52-79.
    O presente artigo discute a singularidade e a forma narrativa suspensiva em A Vênus das Peles (1870), de Sacher-Masoch, a partir das noções de agenciamento desejante e coletivo, sintomatologia e devir-político de minoria trabalhados por Gilles Deleuze, de acordo com seu empenho teórico para dissociar a unidade sado-masoquista consagrada por Freud. Tal percurso de leitura, nesse viés, incorpora os debates sobre performance, cena e representação, além de explorar o humor de minoria contestador que a obra revela como potência de ação (...)
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  36. Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism.Navras Jaat Aafreedi, Raihanah Abdullah, Zuraidah Abdullah, Iqbal S. Akhtar, Blain Auer, Jehan Bagli, Parvez M. Bajan, Carole A. Barnsley, Michael Bednar, Clinton Bennett, Purushottama Bilimoria, Leila Chamankhah, Jamsheed K. Choksy, Golam Dastagir, Albert De Jong, Amanullah De Sondy, Arthur Dudney, Janis Esots, Ilyse R. Morgenstein Fuerst, Jonathan Goldstein, Rebecca Ruth Gould, Thomas K. Gugler, Vivek Gupta, Andrew Halladay, Sowkot Hossain, A. R. M. Imtiyaz, Brannon Ingram, Ayesha A. Irani, Barbara C. Johnson, Ramiyar P. Karanjia, Pasha M. Khan, Shenila Khoja-Moolji, Søren Christian Lassen, Riyaz Latif, Bruce B. Lawrence, Joel Lee, Matthew Long, Iik A. Mansurnoor, Anubhuti Maurya, Sharmina Mawani, Seyed Mohamed Mohamed Mazahir, Mohamed Mihlar, Colin P. Mitchell, Yasien Mohamed, A. Azfar Moin, Rafiqul Islam Molla, Anjoom Mukadam, Faiza Mushtaq, Sajjad Nejatie, James R. Newell, Moin Ahmad Nizami, Michael O’Neal, Erik S. Ohlander, Jesse S. Palsetia, Farid Panjwani & Rooyintan Pesh Peer - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    The earlier volume in this series dealt with two religions of Indian origin, namely, Buddhism and Jainism. The Indian religious scene, however, is characterized by not only religions which originated in India but also by religions which entered India from outside India and made their home here. Thus religious life in India has been enlivened throughout its history by the presence of religions of foreign origin on its soil almost from the very time they came into existence. This volume covers (...)
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  37.  56
    Locke's Doctrine of Intuition Was Not Borrowed from Descartes.Thomas A. O'Kelley - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (176):148 - 151.
  38.  53
    Other Branches of Science are Necessary to Form a Lawyer: Teaching Public Health Law in Law School.Richard A. Goodman, Zita Lazzarini, Anthony D. Moulton, Scott Burris, Nanette R. Elster, Paul A. Locke & Lawrence O. Gostin - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (2):298-301.
    Over two hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson suggested the need for a broader legal curriculum. As the twenty-first century begins, the practice of law will increasingly demand interdisciplinary knowledge and collaboration — between those trained in law and a broad range of scientific and technical fields, including engineering, biology, genetics, ethics, and the social sciences. The practice of public health law provides a model for both the substantive integration of law with science, and for the way its practitioners work. In (...)
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  39.  35
    A Response to the Reply of William O. Stephens to “Friendship Amongst the Self-Sufficient: Epicurus”.Andrew Mitchell - 2002 - Essays in Philosophy 3 (1):68-69.
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  40. Direct reference, empty names and implicature.Mitchell S. Green - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 37 (3):419-447.
    Angle Grinder Man removes wheel locks from cars in London.1 He is something of a folk hero, saving drivers from enormous parking and towing fi nes, and has succeeded thus far in eluding the authorities. In spite of his cape and lamé tights, he is no fi ction; he’s a real person. By contrast, Pegasus, Zeus and the like are fi ctions. None of them is real. In fact, not only is each of them different from the others, all (...)
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  41.  32
    Is Locke’s State the Secular State?Charles J. O’Neil - 1952 - New Scholasticism 26 (4):424-440.
  42.  54
    On Play by Means of Computing Machines .A Theory of Higher Order Probabilities.Knowledge and Efficient Computation.Realizability Semantics for Error-Tolerant Logics. [REVIEW]William J. Rapaport, Nimrod Megiddo, Avi Wigderson, Haim Gaifman, Silvio Micali, John C. Mitchell & Michael J. O'Donnell - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (2):669.
  43.  43
    (1 other version)Edmund Husserl, The Idea of Phenomenology (translated by William P. Alston and Nakhinian George and introduced by Nakhinian George), xxii and 60 pp., Guilders 5,50,The Phenomenology of Internal Time-Consciousness (translated by James S. Churchill and introduced by Calvin O. Schrag), 188 pp., Guilders 11,50. Both volumes published by Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague 1964. [REVIEW]K. Mitchells - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (152):174-176.
  44. (1 other version)John Locke.D. J. O'connor - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (111):377-378.
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  45.  61
    The greek east O. salomies (ed.): The greek east in the Roman context. Proceedings of a colloquium organized by the finnish institute at athens, may 21 and 22, 1999 . Pp. 217, pls, maps. Helsinki: Finnish institute at athens, 2001. Paper. Isbn: 951-98806-0-. [REVIEW]S. Mitchell - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (02):503-.
  46.  53
    Gitik Moti. The negation of the singular cardinal hypothesis from O = K ++. Annals of pure and applied logic, vol. 43 , pp. 209–234. [REVIEW]W. J. Mitchell - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):344-344.
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    “O God, Come to My Assistance”: A Journey with Cassian's Prayer.Lori Mitchell McMahon - 2012 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 5 (1):135-143.
    John Cassian, an Egyptian monk in the early fifth century offers splendid wisdom and counsel regarding many spiritual disciplines. This reflection describes a personal experience of journeying with Cassian's prayer. In the most frequently quoted excerpt from his Conferences, Cassian raises up a prayer formula using Psalm 70:1 as a verse to facilitate unceasing prayer of the heart: “O God, come to my assistance; Lord, make haste to help me. “ In an unexpected and surprising way, this verse from Psalm (...)
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  48.  48
    John Locke and the Way of Ideas.D. J. O'Connor - 1958 - Philosophical Review 67 (2):269.
  49.  60
    John Locke, desire, and the epistemology of money.John O'Brien - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (4):685 – 708.
  50. The Three Principles of Classical Liberalism (from John Locke to John Tomasi) : A Consequentialist Defence of the Limited Welfare State.O. Lehto - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    I provide a defence of the classical liberal tradition (from Locke and Smith to Hayek and Tomasi) as a blueprint for a 'bleeding-heart libertarian' framework of society. Such a society defends three principles: 1) Freedom from private coercion (Private Property), 2) Freedom from public coercion (Limited Government); and 3) Within these limits, the provision of a limited range of public goods and public welfare (Limited Welfare State). I show that principles can be abstracted from a reading of the classical liberal (...)
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